Crisis is Coming
Protect and Prosper Your Wealth
Without THIS Gold Play Your Wealth Could Drown Under the Dollar’s World-Size Debt Tidal Wave

Plus, find out how gold beats the S&P 500 by 11 – 57% the first 18 – 24 months after your bet pays off…
Hi, Dave Skarica here.’s Gold Prodigy.
In a moment, I’ll show you how this ONE GOLD PLAY hedges against the dollar before gold launches into what I think will be a long-term rally.
There’s more to tell you…
But for now, let’s talk about you and your family’s well-being, protection, and prosperity…
Because it’s only a matter of time now…
The USD has formed one world-size debt bubble – it could pop any moment.
Debt has ballooned beyond belief – $34 Trillion dollars!
In fact, 60% of all US Dollars in existence were printed within the last three years.
Forcing the world’s largest economy stuck into an…
Inescapable Debt Crisis

You can see the exponential incline. It’s shooting up.
Yet, to keep the economy going…
The US Federal government is running massive $2+ Trillion deficits. You can practically call that financial CPR…
You don’t have to do the math to know.
Government debt is out-of-control – $1T every 100 days.
That’s more than “a lot.”
The numbers are SO BIG, it’s almost hard to grasp. So, what do $2 Trillion deficits really mean?
Eventually, you’re just printing money to pay for the money.
Until prices mean nothing at all.
You can see the process in…
An Unprecedented, Unprofitable, Over-Inflated Economy.
Take a look at this chart.
It shows the ratio of Debt to GDP…
Basically, America’s borrowing compared to earnings.
See how it’s going up… RAPIDLY?

It works just like the money you earn to pay the bills every month.
If you keep borrowing more than you earn, eventually you can’t pay it back.
Now in a fiat economy like ours…
When more money goes into borrowing, and your taxes go back into paying debt created fiat money…
The money you earn and taxes you pay NEVER catch up.
Typically, this happens during two ways. One way, I just mentioned…
When a government MUST use debt to prop up its economy. That explains our TRILLION-dollar deficits.
The other way is in war. The only thing is though…
It's Worse than War Times Without a World War

Imagine what it would be like if the US entered all-out war
ALL the Middle East!?
You almost don’t have to…
Because it’s close to happening right now.
The US government is borrowing more now than peak spending in World War II, look at how much debt to GDP shot up in the 1940s.
During World War II, debt to GDP was just under 120%.
And then, we see the gradual decline of debt as the US economy catches up.
Until fiat money, money no longer backed by gold, was introduced in 1971.
Then you see the return of debt, and government spending which is now…
...Out of Control!

As featured on...

Hi, I’m Dave Skarica.
I’m a contrarian value investor at heart.
When you invest like I do, instead of following the trend to invest, you do the opposite.
You follow the trend to see what’s undervalued – to make major gains.
That’s how I’ve made many of my biggest wins…
Author Of...

I was twenty to twenty-one years old…
It was the first time I saw a stock bubble, but it was also the first time I seriously looked at GOLD.
Gold was going to go up and a bear market was coming for stocks.
Essentially, this happens in cycles…
When stocks are overvalued…
And when gold is undervalued.
It’s a very good sign, but not the ultimate sign that gold could shoot up, again.
The long story short is this:
Gold was under $300 an ounce.
Ten years later it was up 5x to $1504.
As the government kept printing more dollars, the price of gold followed, leading to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008.
Due to the costs associated with the massive bailout of financial institutions deemed “too big to fail…”
The debt bubble was growing bigger.
That’s when I wrote my next book:
The Great Super Cycle: Profit from the Coming Inflation Tidal Wave and Dollar Devaluation.
That’s when I saw how this ONE GOLD PLAY works…
I saw how to profit from it and how the devaluation of the dollar leads to one big opportunity for gold.
When THIS Triggers Gold May Never Come Back Down... (No, not the breakout below)

There’s one thing I’ve realized over the years, one thing you should know…
Gold isn’t always profitable, even though it’s there, hedging against inflation.
This one trigger shows when gold will most likely be profitable next, for years to come.
When you don’t see it people tend to move their money to tech stocks, growth stocks, and other blue-chip investments. That’s what timing is for.
So, while gold is a long-term hold…
And silver can be a long-term hold…
Gold and silver stocks tend to be more cyclical, and you can make a TON of money when you buy gold at the right time.
When the market is set, and this ONE triggers signals…
That’s the part of the cycle we’re entering right now.
When the Federal Reserve begins to loosen rates, that’s when gold takes off.
That’s why gold has started to move, BUT…
It’s hasn’t made BIG MOVES, YET.
Because a few greedy Wall Street traders are being eager, they want to speculate.
However, this is the exact time to get in…
When Fed starts to cut interest rates.
This is very important.
Watch these next charts closely.
That’s when…
You'll see the difference:
S&P 500 vs. Gold Stocks
This might be surprising to you, but…
The average investor may lose money if they hold the majority of their funds in the S&P 500 after you see the one trigger show up.
Their investments will actually underperform for the next 12 to 18 months.
This happens over and over again.
So, you have to watch.
Watch for that ONE trigger, religiously.
For example…
Take a look at happened from 1993 – 1994.

During this Fed rate cut cycle…
The XAU Gold and Silver Index went up over 63%!
While S&P only went up 3-4%.
You’ll see this time and time again.
Now, let’s look at 1995…
That's When Gold Outperforms

From ’95 to ’96 the Fed Fund Rate went from 5.75% to 4.75%…
Rates only dropped 1%, yet this is the massive difference just one percent can make.
The XAU Gold Stock Index went from $102 to $155.
Gold went up about 55%!
Even with a historic bull market, the S&P only went up 42%.
Again, what we’re really looking at are the first 12 to 18 months after rate cut cycles begin.
That’s our time frame.
Golds really outperformed the S&P 500 during that time.
But careful, here’s what to pay attention to…
As a bull market matures, gold markets lag because people want to be in more speculative sectors like technology and growth stocks.
So, in the late 90’s you see gold stocks lag behind from rate hikes and a less interested in the market.
Again, here’s what happens when rate cut cycles kick in
When the HUI gold stock index bottomed out…
And Gold Outperforms Again...

Around December 2001…
The HUI gold stock index bottomed out at $35.06.
As the bubble burst, the HUI gold index climbed all the way up to $144.09!
Gold made a 310.89% rally!
Even after the Fed pushed more cash into the market in 2003 gold stocks continued to perform well.
How did the S&P 500 perform during the same time?
The S&P went down 37.4%…
I tell you, time and time again.
Let’s take a look at the Great Financial Crisis from ’07 to ’09…
The Same Thing Happens, Gold Outperforms.

When the Great Financial Crisis happened, everyone panicked.
Gold shot down, along with everything else, but…
Gold is always the first asset to bounce back, even exceed expectations.
The HUI Gold index went from about $287 when the rate cut cycle started…
All the way up to $519…
Gold moved 80.8%!
While the S&P 500…? It actually DROPPED the ENTIRE TIME! About 21%…
From August 2007 until March 2008 gold moved up, and the S&P moved into another bear market.
This is where things go really bonkers.
In order to raise the market back up…
Gold Won Against the Fed, Until...
From 2008 to 2009, things weren’t looking good for the markets.
The S&P was trending down.
So, the Fed had to do something. They opened the debt flood gates…
Printing more money, they bought up more debt.

From March 2009 all the way to April 2011…
S&P 500 went up 79.35%
While the HUI gold index went up 135.79%
Now, as you may know, for the last several years gold has been caught between $1600 and $2000.
During these years, I’ve bought and sold gold stocks that went up 10x, 15x, even 20x.
So, when’s the next time gold could beat the S&P 500? By HUGE margins?
If you look, you can see three separate times gold has tried to push through the $2000 mark and failed.
Until recently…
That’s because the few Wall Street traders who know about this ONE trigger have been pushing the price up through…
The important thing is to look back over what I’ve shown you.
You saw the times when gold underperformed, and then outperformed the market.
Only during certain times did gold really make gains…
Look back over the past 25 years, there are specific times, when that happens.
When rate cut cycles began, that’s when the real gains happen, for the right gold stocks.
Until then, gold stocks may continue to lag…
Even as AI Mania pushes the S&P 500 up into the seven heavens.
And speculators continue their speculating when gold will take off next…
You want to know…
What Can You Be Certain Of?
Gold is incredibly undervalued, which may seem like a major exaggeration to you.
So, you’re welcome to ask.
How can I be so sure?
Well, you can look at it the same way we’ve been looking at gold already.
By comparing the S&P 500 to gold, you see what kind of a deal you’re really getting.
If you buy physical gold, or gold stocks, you’re getting a deal.
Here’s a chart that compares what we want to know.
The value of the S&P 500 compared to gold.

Compare the ratio of gold to the S&P when interest rates were high in the early nineties.
When the “Dot Com” Bubble exploded, the ratio went up.
Now, we are back to 2007 levels…
Yet, the amount of fiat money circulating the economy, with government debt, and continued government spending to prop up the economy, gold is cheap.
If you consider that the speculation about rate cuts is becoming less like speculation.
It ALL means…
Gold is Ready for ONE LONG-TERM Rally...
When you know every BUBBLE Pops.
It’s only a matter of time for the Fed to start cutting interest rates, printing more cash and then…
For gold to take off on ONE LONG-TERM rally.
Because the USD has formed one world-size debt bubble.
Remember, within the last few years the number of US Dollars has ballooned beyond belief – $34 Trillion dollars of debt!
Almost TRIPLE the amount of Federal debt in 2010, one-third of that debt was obtained from 2020 onward.
In fact, 60% of all US Dollars in existence were printed within the last three years.
Leading to the world’s largest economy stuck in an inescapable debt crisis.
Why is this debt crisis so inescapable?
America is borrowing way more than it is earning.
It works just like the money you earn to pay the bills every month.
If you keep borrowing more than you earn, eventually you can’t pay it back.
Federal debt compared to national earning is so high that the US government is borrowing more now than peak spending in World War II.
During World War II, debt to GDP at just under 120%.
In 2022, debt to GDP reached a new all-time high… 129%!
Since the 1980’s we’ve seen this huge explosion of low interest rates…
To be fair, it has gone down a bit since then, but…
Now they’re overspending to keep the economy afloat, the Federal government’s going hundreds of billions in debt every quarter.
Which puts the Federal government on track for over $2 Trillion in deficits this year.
This is an urgent issue, not only is there no going back for the money printers, but right now, is the best time to invest in gold.
Gold prices are relatively low.
Silver is even cheaper.
With the right investments, at the right time, you can hedge yourself against the dollar’s World-Size Debt Bubble to protect and prosper your family’s well-being.
Were already to the point where we’re in a debt crisis.
And this is only going to get worse.
That’s why using the ONE Gold Play we discussed will give you the assurance you’re in the right place, at the right time to hedge yourself against the dollar.
You can use a DollarHedge Insider’s Membership to do just that.
However, before I go into all the benefits of what being a member can provide for you and your family. We should talk about why it’s important for you to become a member.
Aside from being in the right place, at the right time before the Fed starts cutting interest rates.
(We’re in that exact moment, right now…)
Become a DollarHedge Insiders Member
Here's Everything Your Get:
Plus, bonus insights into the precious metals market, what the Fed is up to “behind closed doors,” and ongoing gold stock tips as they push up.
x1 Video: Stock Chart of the Week – uploaded every Wednesday.
Watch as your treasury of insight-filled videos grow. Refer back to similar market conditions whenever you need to.
Get Access to the DollarHedge Insider Portfolio
Never before seen portfolio with unique insights you can use to hedge yourself against the dollar for major gold stock gains. While also protecting yourself.
It’s all been fully vetted by’s Gold Prodigy, Dave Skarica, an over twenty-one-year veteran in gold, silver and other resource-oriented investments.
Plus, the DollarHedge Insider Portfolio Weekly Update
x1 Video: Portfolio Update delivered via video every Saturday or Sunday
Your Bonuses
Whenever there’s something I feel that’s both urgent and important it comes to my top of mind.
If there’s going to be a sudden upstart in the market, for a specific stock, or resource, you’ll know.
If there’s going to be “sell, sell, sell” moment, you’ll know.
I’m in this to help you get the best “inside” investment information I can find.
Private Placement opportunities for accredited investors.
Like we previously discussed, because I’ve been investing in the precious metals industry for over 23 years, I’ve accumulated contacts within the upper management of many gold, silver, and other resource companies.
When you become a DollarHedge Insider, you also ‘share’ the power of those contacts.
FYI, I’m speaking to ALL investors. If there’s a private placement opportunity, you’ll know. And that means you’ll have the “insider” tips stocks could be moving soon.
***Be sure to look for my commentary.
How Much Does Becoming a Member Cost?
It costs very little…
Because I want everyone to protect from their hard-earned savings. And earn more from gold, silver and other resource stocks (which every economy naturally depends on…)
That being said, I should be charging much more.
For this kind of special investment information many will pay at least $1,000 to $1,500 per year.
Which is about $97 to $100 per month…
For accredited investors to “share” my private contacts in the natural resource industry, for the opportunity to participate in private placements, and for the “foreknowledge” that a stock’s value could be moving up very soon it would be well worth it.
Since, many investors would be placing allocations beyond a few thousand dollars using the information accessed as an exclusive DollarHedge Insider member, on average investors would do very well.
Even with a $49 per month membership…
Granted many investors start small and work their way up over time, which is why I want to aim high, to have a membership specifically for High-Net-Worth Individuals, but…
Have the information accessible to ALL investors.
That way, everyone is getting the best information.
So, I thought, why not let everyone see what I’m offering.
I’ll take the burden off your shoulders, while you get ALL the benefit.
You Get All the Benefit...
While We Carry Your Burden
That’s why becoming a DollarHedge Insiders Founding member is only $5…
For the first month, you’ll experience what it’s like to be prepared and hedged against the US Dollar’s World-Size Debt Bubble, ready for the Fed to start cutting rates any moment, and for gold to begin a historic, long-term bull run like never-seen-before.
After that, I’m sure you’ll agree that becoming a DollarHedge Insider is at least or more valuable than the mere $21 per month we ask for exclusive investor membership.
But, not without assurance of the highest quality gold and silver investment content.
How to Become a DollarHedge Insider Member
Here’s what happens when you order using the form below…
Within a few minutes you’ll receive an email.
Inside that email will be your login instructions.
Then, like your personal chauffer, I’ll show you around over the next few days.
I’ll guide you through my Mission Statement. Specifically, why you want to hedge against the growing US Dollar debt bubble. And to add to that, why it’s urgent, you do that right now.
Then I’ll guide you through each of our 13 positions…
Plus, I’ve made a 33+ minute video especially for those accredited investors interested in private placements.
Your window of opportunity is closing fast…
We’ve set aside Founding Member pricing for the next 30 days.
Then we’ll be moving the trial membership up.
As gold takes off, and the dollar continues to decline. Doubtless more people will be interested to know exactly how you did it.
Since many of gold, silver, and resource mining stocks are speculative. They’ll wonder, which ones…?
But you’ll have started BEFORE the Fed ever started cutting interest rates – this is your advantage, and possibly, your biggest gains for years to come.
Start Today for Just $17...
Get Started Now:
Here’s everything you get for $17 /month (Or $153 annually – 3 months free!):
- 1x 33-Minute Video introduction to DollarHedge Insiders
- 1x 35-Minute Complete video overview of our 13 Gold and Precious Metals positions
- 1x Video: Weekly Portfolio Update
- 1x Video: Stock Chart of the Week
- Alerts, Warnings, and Notifications
- Special Situation, Research Reports
- Private Placement Opportunities for Accredited Investors